
My Girl
Obsidian Butterfly
“Its like being friends with a tame leopard. It may curl on the foot of your bed and let you pet its head, but it can still eat your throat out. It just won't do it tonight.”
“If the eyes are the mirror to the soul, then Edward's in trouble because no one is home.”
“Edward wonders why I am so sympathetic to the monsters. The answer is simple. Because I am one.”
“Because we both understand that it isn't death that we fear. It's living.”
“She laughed that joyous full-blown sound that children eventually grow out of, as if the world bleeds the joy from them. Unless we're very lucky, the world teaches us to laugh more quietly, more coyly.”
“I was reminded that smiling is just another way of baring teeth, another way to snarl.”
“You can't hide from yourself, not forever, and you can't ever outrun yourself.”
“Its one of the joys of being a girl and not a guy. If I'm curious, I just ask.”
“I wondered for the first time if my face was empty more often than it was full, if I hid my emotions, my thoughts, even when I wasn't meaning to. How can you really tell what your own face shows.”
“My only excuse was that all the talk of rape had made me scared of him, and I didn't like that. So I was doing something that was actually very masculine. I was pulling the tail of the beast to make myself braver. Stupid.”
“There are some stories, some memories, that if you tell them after dark, they seem to gain weight, substance, as if there are things listening, waiting to hear themselves spoken of again. Words have power. But even thinking about them is sometimes enough to make the air in a room heavy.”
“Then why is the thought of giving her a gun while I hunt her one of my greatest fantasies?”
“He had a big hate on for me, a big one. I smiled sweetly and thought, fuck you, too. But I'd learned lately to lie even with my eyes. It was almost sad that I could lie with my eyes. They really are the mirror to your soul, and once they go, you are damaged. Not beyond repair, but damaged.”
“I knew in that instant that once she had loved him, really loved him, because only true love could twist to such hatred.”
“You know the old saying, half in jest, all in seriousness?”
“He said solve the case when what he usually meant was kill them, kill them all. As a plan, I'd heard worse. As a way of life, it lacked a certain romance. As a way to stay alive, it was just about perfect.”
“Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”
“There are all kinds of monsters. Most of them crave blood. Some for food, some for pleasure, but you're dead either way.”
“If you think love makes you happy, Hernando, you've either never been in love, or never been in love long enough to have to start compromising.”
“I hate women who complain about being fat when they're like a size five. Anything under size five isn't a woman. It's a boy with breasts.”
“If someone hurt them, his vengeance was going to be a thing of great and awesome terror.”
“Not normal calm, but the cool distant calm that you either learn to do during the really bad stuff, or you run screaming.”
“If the eyes are the mirror to the soul, then Edward's in trouble because no one is home.”
“Edward wonders why I am so sympathetic to the monsters. The answer is simple. Because I am one.”
“Because we both understand that it isn't death that we fear. It's living.”
“She laughed that joyous full-blown sound that children eventually grow out of, as if the world bleeds the joy from them. Unless we're very lucky, the world teaches us to laugh more quietly, more coyly.”
“I was reminded that smiling is just another way of baring teeth, another way to snarl.”
“You can't hide from yourself, not forever, and you can't ever outrun yourself.”
“Its one of the joys of being a girl and not a guy. If I'm curious, I just ask.”
“I wondered for the first time if my face was empty more often than it was full, if I hid my emotions, my thoughts, even when I wasn't meaning to. How can you really tell what your own face shows.”
“My only excuse was that all the talk of rape had made me scared of him, and I didn't like that. So I was doing something that was actually very masculine. I was pulling the tail of the beast to make myself braver. Stupid.”
“There are some stories, some memories, that if you tell them after dark, they seem to gain weight, substance, as if there are things listening, waiting to hear themselves spoken of again. Words have power. But even thinking about them is sometimes enough to make the air in a room heavy.”
“Then why is the thought of giving her a gun while I hunt her one of my greatest fantasies?”
“He had a big hate on for me, a big one. I smiled sweetly and thought, fuck you, too. But I'd learned lately to lie even with my eyes. It was almost sad that I could lie with my eyes. They really are the mirror to your soul, and once they go, you are damaged. Not beyond repair, but damaged.”
“I knew in that instant that once she had loved him, really loved him, because only true love could twist to such hatred.”
“You know the old saying, half in jest, all in seriousness?”
“He said solve the case when what he usually meant was kill them, kill them all. As a plan, I'd heard worse. As a way of life, it lacked a certain romance. As a way to stay alive, it was just about perfect.”
“Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”
“There are all kinds of monsters. Most of them crave blood. Some for food, some for pleasure, but you're dead either way.”
“If you think love makes you happy, Hernando, you've either never been in love, or never been in love long enough to have to start compromising.”
“I hate women who complain about being fat when they're like a size five. Anything under size five isn't a woman. It's a boy with breasts.”
“If someone hurt them, his vengeance was going to be a thing of great and awesome terror.”
“Not normal calm, but the cool distant calm that you either learn to do during the really bad stuff, or you run screaming.”
Blue Moon
"Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes its just another way to bleed."
"But once you embrace the screaming darkness, eventually, you kill."
"There was a look in his eyes of such sorrow, of a shared knowledge of how many times you never really meant what you said, but the monsters were listening, and they always took you at your word."
"You're all mine, and no one hurts what's mine. Its not allowed."
"Some things are just true; you don't have to voice them, they just are. And somewhere along the way I'd started collecting people. My people. It used to mean friends, but lately, it meant more than that, or less."
"Death, jewelry or magic; it sounded like Valentine's Day."
"Been there, done that, wasn't impressed, didn't bother to get a t-shirt."
"Its your power that makes my heart beat, your pulse I can taste like cherries on my tongue."
"Somewhere in the first blow or the second, I'd broken something inside myself that would never heal. And I was content with it."
"My imagination was not going to be my friend for a while."
"You're this pretty little thing. You shouldn't be chopping peoples fingers off."
"The monster wasn't breathing down my neck; it was inside my head. Inside my head, fat and well-fed."
"I'll tell you the real horrible truth, Anita. No matter what you do or how bad you feel about it, life just goes on. Life doesn't give a fuck that your sorry or upset or deranged or tormented. Life just goes on."
"I can kill and not blink. Now I can torture and not regret it. I've become one of the monsters, and if it will save Richard's family, I am happy to be one."
"But once you embrace the screaming darkness, eventually, you kill."
"There was a look in his eyes of such sorrow, of a shared knowledge of how many times you never really meant what you said, but the monsters were listening, and they always took you at your word."
"You're all mine, and no one hurts what's mine. Its not allowed."
"Some things are just true; you don't have to voice them, they just are. And somewhere along the way I'd started collecting people. My people. It used to mean friends, but lately, it meant more than that, or less."
"Death, jewelry or magic; it sounded like Valentine's Day."
"Been there, done that, wasn't impressed, didn't bother to get a t-shirt."
"Its your power that makes my heart beat, your pulse I can taste like cherries on my tongue."
"Somewhere in the first blow or the second, I'd broken something inside myself that would never heal. And I was content with it."
"My imagination was not going to be my friend for a while."
"You're this pretty little thing. You shouldn't be chopping peoples fingers off."
"The monster wasn't breathing down my neck; it was inside my head. Inside my head, fat and well-fed."
"I'll tell you the real horrible truth, Anita. No matter what you do or how bad you feel about it, life just goes on. Life doesn't give a fuck that your sorry or upset or deranged or tormented. Life just goes on."
"I can kill and not blink. Now I can torture and not regret it. I've become one of the monsters, and if it will save Richard's family, I am happy to be one."
Five Surprising Benefits of Alcohol
The news about wine keeps getting better. Dutch researchers say that a half-glass of wine per day might help you live longer--five years longer, in fact. (Remember, though, excessive drinking can lead to health problems that may shorten your life.) Though the researchers note that more study is needed, the theory is that light alcohol consumption--and especially red wine--may contribute to longevity because the "polyphenolic compounds contained in wine have been seen in animals to stop the build up of fatty tissue in the arteries that can result in stroke or heart attack."
Improves Heart Health
Japanese researchers believe that light to moderate drinking paired with socialization (enter happy hour) can significantly reduce your risk for heart disease. While the researchers mostly looked at men, it's easy to see why the findings could be true for women too. Most health experts are fine with light drinking--one glass per day (but not every day) for women. And aren't we all happier when we're spending time with friends?
Reduces Inflammation
Those who drink were found to have a significantly reduced risk of developing several arthritic conditions including Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Osteoarthritis (OA), reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and spondylarthropathy, according to Dutch researchers. Researchers aren't exactly certain why alcohol consumption (note, no guidelines were given as to which type of alcohol and how much, but we can safely assume that the scientists are talking about moderate drinking here), but they speculate that alcohol may have inflammation-reducing effects.
Aids Weight Loss
Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston who studied the alcohol consumption of more than 19,000 women over 13 years found that women who drank a "light to moderate amount of alcohol" (defined by no more than two servings a day of wine, beer or liquor--I'll add that some studies have found that any more than one drink per day for females to be excessive, so just file that away) tended to gain less weight than women who didn't drink. The study was recently published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.
An explanation, please? "Women who drink moderate amounts of alcohol tend to eat less food, particularly carbohydrates," said cardiologist Lu Wang, lead researcher on the study and an instructor at Brigham and Women's Hospital, who spoke to USA Today.
Fights Osteoporosis
A new studyreports that beer is a significant source of dietary silicon. Dietary what? It's an ingredient believed to increase bone mineral density, and researchers from the Department of Food Science & Technology at the University of California, Davis, say that beer is loaded with it.
They studied commercial beer production and found that most commercial beer--especially hoppy beer--is a rich source of dietary silicon. Based on these findings, the scientists suggest that moderate beer consumption may actually help fight osteoporosis.
The news about wine keeps getting better. Dutch researchers say that a half-glass of wine per day might help you live longer--five years longer, in fact. (Remember, though, excessive drinking can lead to health problems that may shorten your life.) Though the researchers note that more study is needed, the theory is that light alcohol consumption--and especially red wine--may contribute to longevity because the "polyphenolic compounds contained in wine have been seen in animals to stop the build up of fatty tissue in the arteries that can result in stroke or heart attack."
Improves Heart Health
Japanese researchers believe that light to moderate drinking paired with socialization (enter happy hour) can significantly reduce your risk for heart disease. While the researchers mostly looked at men, it's easy to see why the findings could be true for women too. Most health experts are fine with light drinking--one glass per day (but not every day) for women. And aren't we all happier when we're spending time with friends?
Reduces Inflammation
Those who drink were found to have a significantly reduced risk of developing several arthritic conditions including Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Osteoarthritis (OA), reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and spondylarthropathy, according to Dutch researchers. Researchers aren't exactly certain why alcohol consumption (note, no guidelines were given as to which type of alcohol and how much, but we can safely assume that the scientists are talking about moderate drinking here), but they speculate that alcohol may have inflammation-reducing effects.
Aids Weight Loss
Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston who studied the alcohol consumption of more than 19,000 women over 13 years found that women who drank a "light to moderate amount of alcohol" (defined by no more than two servings a day of wine, beer or liquor--I'll add that some studies have found that any more than one drink per day for females to be excessive, so just file that away) tended to gain less weight than women who didn't drink. The study was recently published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.
An explanation, please? "Women who drink moderate amounts of alcohol tend to eat less food, particularly carbohydrates," said cardiologist Lu Wang, lead researcher on the study and an instructor at Brigham and Women's Hospital, who spoke to USA Today.
Fights Osteoporosis
A new studyreports that beer is a significant source of dietary silicon. Dietary what? It's an ingredient believed to increase bone mineral density, and researchers from the Department of Food Science & Technology at the University of California, Davis, say that beer is loaded with it.
They studied commercial beer production and found that most commercial beer--especially hoppy beer--is a rich source of dietary silicon. Based on these findings, the scientists suggest that moderate beer consumption may actually help fight osteoporosis.
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